As media education has effectively disappeared from the government’s prescriptions for English teaching, what are the prospects for the future? An interview with two experts in the field, Jenny Grahame and Steve Connolly.
My previous blog post offered a fairly downbeat assessment of the prospects for teaching media within the current English (mother tongue language and literature) curriculum in England. However, there’s often a big gap between educational policy documents and the realities of classroom practice. So are there still spaces where media education might continue to develop, particularly in the subject of English in secondary schools?
I asked a couple of experts in this field to offer their views:
Jenny Grahame was for many years a media education adviser at the English and Media Centre in London. She has produced countless teaching packs and provided professional development for generations of teachers in this area. I’d say she has done more than anyone to promote and support good practice in media education in this country. You can find some of her publications here.
Steve Connolly is a lecturer in the School of Teacher Education at the University of Bedfordshire. A former secondary school teacher, he was assistant head of one of the UK’s few specialist schools for media, and has a growing track record as an academic researcher. You can find Steve’s profile, and links to some of his publications here.
Read the full blog post on David Buckingham's website here